Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nara's Baking Diary 4 (나라의 굽기 4 )

It is dense, it is, is

the [wa] still, hot day is continued, but how you probably will pass,

this day is made and this when the Nara's Baking Dairy 4th feature
bean-jam rice-dumpling walnut entering is completed

again, tastily, with the [nara] house ~ [eraikotsuchiya] very much while being hot, persevering
with the pattern where the air conditioner breaks down, also this time when it is the

bean-jam rice-dumpling the mischievous [tsu] air fully cute is lovely in large [sa]
~ bis shot full load bean-jam rice-dumpling [nara].。。Please enjoy

on the 27th [chiyan] [sonuon] of the older brother and in the pleasure which
is the schedule which participates together in
the [uedeingushiyo] ~ the [i] ~


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