Friday, January 14, 2011


Restraining, you took care during the old year which says

the celebration language of the New Year very much.
Gratitude you say from heart. 

As for 2011, photographing which is year when [nara] [debiyu] ~10 anniversary
should commemorate ended, also the drama which in addition is in the midst of photographing is broadcast schedule during this year and
, kind of this year and it may be year when
large participating of [nara] is expected, don't you think? is, way it is splendid one year when 2011

when also the commemoration album of 10th anniversaries is announced, in addition in everyone of the fan in
very, were full bright desire for [nara].。。

Because this year this [burogu] keeps persevering loosely the ~ [ku],
if one year, in addition association it can receive, the happiness
we ask also this year which is known please may

pleasant New Year's Day under passing, the [i]

Here some photos!!

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